– Ben Martens

Fantasy Football 2019 – Week 11 – Update

Remember the close game between Logan and Tim? Tim won by only 0.29 points. For the first time in Studio711 league history, a stat correction has changed the outcome of a game! Lamar Jackson had a stat correction which removed 7 yards from his rushing total. That means Tim lost 0.7 points and fell behind Logan. Ouch.

Luke, Logan and Tyler are now tied for the best record. This also changed quite a few of our stats. Updates are in italics.


This Week This Season All Time
Highest Team Score Logan had 130.55 Luke had 202.63 (Week 5) Luke had 202.63 (2019)
Lowest Team Score Andy had 87.48 Dad had 73.66 (Week 10) Andy had 41.29 (2015)
Biggest Blowout Nick beat Tyler by 34.19 Luke beat Tyler by 71.46 (Week 10) Luke beat Andy by 113.02 (2010)
Closest Win Logan beat Tim by 0.41 Was: Andy beat Tyler by 0.56 (Week 5) Tyler beat Nick by 0.01 (2018)
Longest Active Winning Streak Luke and Tim have 2 game winning streaks Luke has a 5 game winning streak (Week 5) Micah (2011) and Ben (2015) had 8 game winning streaks
Longest Active Losing Streak Tyler has a 2 game losing streak Nick has a 6 game losing streak (Week 6) Kyle had a 14 game losing streak (2011)
Highest Scoring Player Lamar Jackson had 40.78 for Tim Aaron Rodgers had 53.76 on Ben’s bench (Week 7) Drew Brees had 60.54 on Tim’s bench (2015)
Lowest winning score Dad won with 105.07 Tyler beat Nick with 92.63 (Week 4) Tim beat Jim with 79.34 (2015)
Highest losing score Logan lost with 130.55 Tim lost to Luke with 169.11 (Week 5) Tim lost to Luke with 169.11 (2019)

2 thoughts on “Fantasy Football 2019 – Week 11 – Update

  1. Pingback: Fantasy Football 2019 – Week 11 – Studio711

  2. Dudley

    Well that changes everything. I’m playing Logan this week and I picked my roster thinking that I had a chance to win. I pushed some of my dinged-up guys to give it their best shot, risking career ending injuries to rope in the Big Goat. I don’t know if I’ll be able to face them at the next team meeting.

    Congrats Logan.

    Find a good beer to cry in, Tim. (Don’t pick a cheap beer. They’re already watered down enough without your tears!)